Direct Care Monitor (DCM)
- Suitable in any institution where alarms from patients must reach a caregiver as quickly as possible: Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Independent Living Facilities, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Hospice, Small Hospitals
- Replaces pagers and two way radios with secure DECT telephones
- More context and the ability to respond to 911 notifications
- Consolidate communications to one devise lowering costs
- Speeds up response time
- Helps ensure a response even during the busiest times
- High quality health services and patient satisfaction
- Quick and direct access to nurses and medical staff
- Flexible and reliable to fit in any healthcare environment
- Easy to use with minimum training
- Increased medical staff efficiency
- Optimized workflow
- Integrates with the top-selling telephony based nurse call systems (wired and wireless)